The Killer

CRank: 5Score: 36430

i doubt ps4 will have shorter life cycle than ps3. Reasons? because ps4 most probably will have higher success rate than ps3 and will bring much more income to sony than ps3 did. why would they sacrifice something of a cash-cow after big losses from ps3?

plus, from what i see, it will be easier for developers to develop for ps4 than ps3 or even ps2, so i expect great number of titles and IPs from both the west and japan studios.

it is possible release ps5 aft...

3829d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment


Woman in Islam can drive and work!! dont get ur info about Islam from CNN and the like. its only saudi arabia banning women from driving which only them among all Muslims banned it. the women since the birth of Islam could ride horse/camels/donkeys etc.

and i blamed both couple in this sad issue!! read what i wrote again!

3835d ago 23 agree12 disagreeView comment
3835d ago Show

i would say:

1: get ur act together and stop the BS business focused strategy.

2: get the guys who made FF 7,8,9,10 and let them make new games,

3: make it exclusive for ps4, or at least time exclusive, so they can focus on polishing the game.

4: and release 3 FF full and new games in ps4 life cycle!!

i think then we will see millions of sales and popularity.

ow yeah,

5: sta...

3837d ago 3 agree1 disagreeView comment

a nasty way to get hits in the reviewer's site.

3838d ago 16 agree4 disagreeView comment

u guys are perverts! get a wife and u wont mind if u see lightning underwear or not! in fact u might not want to see it.

3841d ago 5 agree11 disagreeView comment

when they say ps4 needs 5 things ASAP, it sounds like ps4 sales are lacking.

i think it would be more correct to say 5 new things that will make ps4 better.

3841d ago 7 agree0 disagreeView comment

square enix did all they could to ruin FF franchise.

sad really. in ps1 they release 3 killer FF titles. in ps2 era, they released only 1 killer title. and in ps3, well, from what i saw and heard, its no where near in greatness to the past killers.

ff vs 13 is taking more than 6 years and still nothing!

3841d ago 1 agree6 disagreeView comment

even if the issue is big, sony will simply fix it with the one year warranty.

the big issue if the issue remains and occurs after the one year warranty.

knowing sony products, they are quality products. so am sure they will fix it this small issue.

3841d ago 3 agree4 disagreeView comment

Is it true that ps4 requires its users to pay for online gaming?

i read all ps4 users have to pay for PS+ in order to play online.

3842d ago 5 agree0 disagreeView comment

i do agree with u.

plus, the ps4 will have many features and capabilities which i think will make it last longer than ps2.

3849d ago 3 agree1 disagreeView comment

i think ps4 will reach 4 million by the end of this year. so it will easily sell 2-3 millions by march imo.

5 million march target seems too easy to achieve for ps4. whoever made that forecast, he probably wanted to get praise when they accede it.

3849d ago 10 agree0 disagreeView comment

mobile gaming can be very addictive. screw sybian OS, it lacks a lot!!

3849d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

i think ps4 will have similar success to ps2. especially if sony tries to secure exclusives or time exclusives.

btw, does the ps4 have backward compatibility with ps3 games?

3851d ago 4 agree0 disagreeView comment

whats even more sad is to see (clever...NOT) people support or justify the spying of NSA! thats just depressing to see people reaching this level of intelligence all for the sake of backing their government or for being nationalist.

in my country, they probably do spy on us, but no one think they are clean or care about their people, they are corrupt, oppressors, and getting support from USA.

man, USA just cant let the world live in peace, they have to put th...

3851d ago 2 agree2 disagreeView comment


enlighten me.

3851d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

am sure xbone is a good friend of the NSA.

best spying tool they can have with kinect! what they couldnt get with phone and pcs, they will get it with kinect.

3851d ago 7 agree11 disagreeView comment

terrorist, spying, and police state

man, i dont wish to live there even if i was paid gold.

i wanna live in peace without someone spying on me changing underwear because of hacking my cam or mobile!

3851d ago 6 agree4 disagreeView comment

compare killzone snowfalls to the best current pc game and please show me the evidence that a PC shooting game looks better than KZ snowfalls.

yes, pc game can look sometimes better than console game do to the constant increase in pc throughput, but AAA console games and be optimized well that can make up the difference in power with the top end PCs.

talking is cheap, show me a game that looks and runs better than killzone snowfalls.

3853d ago 0 agree12 disagreeView comment

well to me, i dont think the difference is that huge compared a game from current gen to next gen.

but killzone 3 snowfall on ps4 is something else.

3853d ago 4 agree6 disagreeView comment